— Pyro wire protocol
The pyro wire protocol structures.
Pyro - Python Remote Objects. Copyright by Irmen de Jong (
Wire messages contains of a fixed size header, an optional set of annotation chunks, and then the payload data. This class doesn’t deal with the payload data: (de)serialization and handling of that data is done elsewhere. Annotation chunks are only parsed.
The header format is:
0x00 4s 4 'PYRO' (message identifier)
0x04 H 2 protocol version
0x06 B 1 message type
0x07 B 1 serializer id
0x08 H 2 message flags
0x0a H 2 sequence number (to identify proper request-reply sequencing)
0x0c I 4 data length (max 4 Gb)
0x10 I 4 annotations length (max 4 Gb, total of all chunks, 0 if no annotation chunks present)
0x14 16s 16 correlation uuid
0x24 H 2 (reserved)
0x26 H 2 magic number 0x4dc5
total size: 0x28 (40 bytes)
After the header, zero or more annotation chunks may follow, of the format:
4s 4 annotation id (4 ASCII letters)
I 4 chunk length (max 4 Gb)
B x annotation chunk databytes
- class Pyro5.protocol.ReceivingMessage(header, payload=None)
Wire protocol message that was received.
- add_payload(payload)
Parses (annotations processing) and adds payload data to a received message.
- static validate(data)
Checks if the message data looks like a valid Pyro message, if not, raise an error.
- class Pyro5.protocol.SendingMessage(msgtype, flags, seq, serializer_id, payload, annotations=None)
Wire protocol message that will be sent.
- static ping(pyroConnection)
Convenience method to send a ‘ping’ message and wait for the ‘pong’ response
- Pyro5.protocol.log_wiredata(logger, text, msg)
logs all the given properties of the wire message in the given logger
- Pyro5.protocol.recv_stub(connection, accepted_msgtypes=None)
Receives a pyro message from a given connection. Accepts the given message types (None=any, or pass a sequence). Also reads annotation chunks and the actual payload data.
- MSG_*
(int) The various message type identifiers
(int) Various bitflags that specify the characteristics of the message, can be bitwise or-ed together